pounds = lbs., SD = ; M height = in. SD = 2.29) than male participants from the rural area (M weight = lbs., SD = ; M height = in. SD = 2.05) and their BMIs differed significantly (t = ?4.96, p < 0.001,>weight = lbs., SD = ; M height = in. SD = 1.96) than female participants from the rural area (M weight = lbs., SD = ; M height = in. SD = 2.14) but their BMIs did not differ significantly (t = ?1.04, p = 0.305, Cohen’s d = 0.24).
Results: Data dos
Professionals displayed higher levels of inter-rater precision for all judgments off male and female confronts (all of the Cronbach’s ? > 0.97) and we thus averaged participants’ analysis to help make a hateful get out of visible pounds. Continue reading